Monday, July 25, 2016

Academician vs Sportsmen


I had been super busy lately due to two subjects that need to cover for this semester. But, fortunately managed to stick on the training regime even though it is still in easy & comfort zone. Can't imagine how & when the tough training session will affect my academician work. Hopefully it is well managed.

Less than 3 weeks from now, another event is coming & less than a month, PD Tri is going to happen. Signed for SD this year, but am foresee that maybe I have to DNS because of the work commitment hmmmmmm. There goes my goggle. Work you win this time!

Hopefully before going back for EidulAdha break, the next coming event in my neighborhood is going to be an A race! Gotta stick & upgrade the training regime urghhhh.

Ok bye!

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